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New York City, the Sanctuary of World Immigration

Nicole Zang

August 21, 2022

According to statistics, New York City hosts around 4,900 asylum seekers, as it has long been a popular destination for many immigrants. Since May, the population of the homeless system has increased by 13 percent. In the beginning, the city government did not respond to the needs of the homeless ones with enough help. Inadequate shelter, food, and medical attention became crucial problems troubling the influx of immigrants. Luckily, with assistance from aid groups, the situation was relieved with better treatment. According to a volunteer with NYC ICE Watch (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in New York City), helpers learned much detailed information about each community of immigrants, such as shoe sizes, specific medical needs, court cases, and ICE check-ins——many jobs that the city was not fulfilling.  

Recently, the NYC government has at last taken responsibility for immigration regulation. Personnel offered guidance to those remaining stranded in corners of the city. A total of 1,300 rooms in 13 hotels were rented by the local government for immigrant families, with a continuous expansion in the number as more people entered the city. By Labor Day, which is September 5th of 2022, New York expects to organize an intake center and 600-room shelter for the next half to a full year. Nevertheless, with progress, the shelter system still faces the challenge of overcrowding in the near future.

Immigrants had long remained an important part of the workforce, especially in urban areas. But with an increased rate of immigration, jobs and homes are quickly filled, and many immigrants encounter harassment and competition. Opinions regarding immigrants slowly became diverse and mixed. According to Mayer Eric Adams, the federal government’s assistance without a price tag has developed into a “humanitarian crisis.” Therefore, with such burden, the life quality of migrants is less likely to be ensured, not to mention their basic rights and equality. Social safety is close to being threatened. The current strategy regarding the placement of immigrants is still up to debate, and it will continue to change along with emerging challenges and needs.

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